The Art of Serving Global Goals

A workshop sponsored by Artists Building Capacity as World Citizens.

The United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development 2030 agreement is a mostGlobal Goals Flags ambitious attempt by governments and organizations to channel collective action in service to raising the quality of life on this planet, for everyone.

An unprecedented 193 national governments have joined this challenge. Everyone has a part to play in this global “to-do-list” that the peoples of the world desperately need.

ABC-WC recognizes the power of the arts in creating awareness and inspiring responsible world citizens to serve the environment, human rights, and to support solutions for remedying conditions of extreme poverty around the world and in our own communities.

“The Art of Serving Global Goals”, a roundtable workshop, is an in-depth work-in-progress developed through five years of consultation, thought, reflection, discussion and research. A resource for both artists and creative service-minded people, this two-session workshop is suitable for youth and adults.


“The Art of Serving Global Goals” is a two-session experience.

The first day is a round table presentation and discussion intended to build awareness of the UN Goals. The facilitator will also present real-life examples of evidence of the important role the arts play in serving our neighborhoods, communities, and far beyond.

In the second session, this educational experience is designed to empower participants to express their personal insights in a piece of creative artwork or in a community service.

The completion of the second session of the workshop will be the “Call for Art” and will take the form of submitting personal inspired creative response, such as photography, painting, sketch, sculpture, craft, poetry, story, essay, video, skit, music, song, textile or fabric art, group dance routine, etc. The possibilities are as infinite and unique as the individual participants.

Global Goals March 18 WorkshopSubmissions to the group can be either in draft concept or completed form and may be documented for sharing with the wider public with a “virtual” or real art exhibit at a specific pre-determined location that spotlights the efforts of young citizens to make a difference in the world.

Participants will have from days to weeks to complete their creative response to one (or more) of the 17 United Nations Global Goals. They can also look at an issue or one of its potential solutions in a realistic or metaphorical way. This will be considered a service to the community, and can perhaps inspire others to reflect and act in their own unique way to serve their community in connection with the Global Goals.

ABC World Citizens warmly invites you to join this participatory, informative, and creative workshop experience.

For more information, email:

For information on how to contribute to this project, go to: