Collaboration & Partnership
ABC World Citizens works with organizations from all over
The organization’s future avenues of collaboration include inter-cultural artist exchanges on social themes and service; workshops highlighting such endeavors as the “UN Millennium Development Goals” or UNESCO’s “Road Map for Arts Education”, encouraging a diversity of creative responses.
In the future, ABC World Citizens also plans to host round-table consultations that explore opportunities for artists to link in service with local partners in health, environmental, peace, human rights, or other social projects dedicated to the common good. Small-scale funding can assist selected art projects at the grassroots level in support of sustainable community-development efforts, as can future scholarships for “artist-in-service” or “artist-in-residence” programs. A website gallery of artists’ work inspired by United Nations environmental and human development goals and / or core principles from Baha’i and other Sacred Texts is also planned as this organization develops over the next few years.