
A resource for artists who wish to serve sustainable environmental and social development goals.

Artists Building Capacity as World Citizens is an educational, networking and small project scholarship resource for creative people in their efforts to learn, consult and reflect upon universal environmental, human rights and development goals for the purpose of expressing that new insight, directly or indirectly, in their creative work and community service.

Avenues of collaboration:

  • Inter-cultural artist exchanges on social themes and service
  • Round-table consultations exploring opportunities for artists to link in service with local partners in health, environmental, peace or social projects dedicated to the common good.
  • Workshops highlighting (for example) United Nations “Global Goals for Sustainable Development” or UNESCO “Road Map for Arts Education”, encouraging a diversity of creative responses
  • Small-scale funding help with selected art projects at grassroots level in support of sustainable community development efforts
  • Scholarship for an “artist-in-service or artist-in-residence” program
  • Website gallery of artist’s work inspired by United Nations development goals or universal core values from the world’s Sacred Texts

Core Values: Global vision – local service

  • The concept of the Oneness of Humankind
  • Principles of Universal Human Rights as expressed in the United Nations Declarations
  • Equal educational opportunity for girls and boys, women and men
  • Protection of the environment and sustainable best practices
  • Celebration of national and ethnic cultural diversity
  • Learning about and working toward equity, justice and international peace
  • Non-adversarial decision making at all levels of society
  • Grass roots active participation in sustainable community development
  • An ethic of service to the common good at the local, national or international level
  • Encouraging the inspiring and noble role the Arts contribute toward the betterment of the world.