The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon states, “Family Farmers are key to unlocking global progress” in his message marking the annual observance of World Food Day, October 16th, 2014.
In our humble effort to draw attention to this important initiative, the Board of Artists Building Capacity as World Citizens is honored to display the submissions for its first Call for Art, which recognizes 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming. We hope you pause, and reflect on the thoughtful work created in an effort to help eradicate poverty and help safeguard the environment through family farming.
We would like to congratulate Nina Dashti-Gibson for her award-winning submission, titled, Diversity in Simplicity.
In the artist statement, she mentions that “this piece attempts to show how corn, a relatively simple plant, is diverse in its significance and importance to each community around the globe.”
Our thanks to all the dedicated artists who choose to use their art for the betterment of the World.
For more information about World Food Day, visit: United Nations News